
Thursday, March 22, 2012

FCA Leadership Conference to be held in London next month

GAFCON / FCA Media Release
Anglican leaders gather to work towards visionary future

More than 200 delegates from 30 Provinces of the Anglican Communion will gather in London in April to build on the work of the GAFCON conference in Jerusalem and in the words of the organisers to ‘help turn the present crisis moment into a visionary future’.

The leaders are clergy and laity, men and women from 29 countries.

“We are committed to building networks and partnerships of orthodox Anglicans, strong in their witness to Jesus Christ and the transforming power of His Spirit, to face the challenge of mission around the world” said the Most Rev’d Eliud Wabukala, Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Kenya and Chairman of the GAFCON Primates Council.

The gathering is the first leadership conference since the landmark GAFCON meeting in Jerusalem in 2008.

The General Secretary of the FCA, Archbishop Peter Jensen says “Many more leaders will be included in leadership gatherings and another larger GAFCON meeting, but we are praying that this will lay a good platform for the future of the movement.”

“The aim of the conference is to unite us behind the goals of FCA and equip us to fulfitl them. It is vital that we understand the nature of the gospel and the nature of the church and so the theme is the uniqueness and sufficiency of Christ, the One who is the heart of the gospel and the Head of His church” said Dr Jensen.

Members of the FCA have affirmed the Jerusalem Declaration and also the goals of the movement.

The five days of the conference include daily worship and testimony, Bible studies and plenary sessions to explore and apply the Lordship of Christ over the world, over the church and over the individual.

There will also be interactive seminars through which the participants will help each other to preach the gospel, and equip the churches to defend and sustain the faith. The seminars include explorations of spiritual leadership, family, evangelism, development and aid, the nature of the gospel and the theology of the church.

Speakers include Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, the Rev. Dr. Ashley Null, and Bishop John Akao.

Inspirational sessions will cover spiritual leadership under pressure and the experience of living in the Communion in crisis. Toward the end of the conference, there will be an open evening to gather with many others to pray, to encourage Christians living in Britain to keep preaching the gospel and to sing God’s praises.

“We are looking forward to the powerful possibilities released by bringing together 200 leaders, to listen to God’s word, to pray and to learn from each other” Abp Wabukala said. “May the blessings of God Almighty be poured on us again turning this present crisis moment into a visionary future!”

March 22, 2012 AD.

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