
Saturday, March 24, 2012

How the Apostates Take Over, Part 2

In my previous column, "How the Apostates Take Over, Part 1," I explained how apostates used the cause of equality to gain a destructive foothold within the church. Some of my readers have missed the point of this 2-part column all together, thinking it is about women's ordination. People will see what they want to see. The deeper point is that those who deny the core of the Gospel used an innocent issue, such the role of women in the church, to flood the church with non bible-believing men, women, and homosexuals.

This is how it happened.... Keep reading

1 comment:

  1. The ordination of women to ministries which they were not Biblically called required a disrespect for the Bible itself and its divine authority. Those who would push to do such a thing are activist. Those who are in a position of leadership and go along with it are activists. They all care not one bit for Biblical authority. Many churches were taken over from the top. Humanists sought positions in seminaries and church leadership to accomplish their agenda. And that they did. The laity was asleep, lukewarm, or just plainly did not care.
