
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Is the CBF poised for a shift on homosexuality?

An upcoming conference and hiring policy point to a potential paradigm shift on homosexuality for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. The conference is already making waves as the event draws near.

The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is co-sponsoring what is being called "A [Baptist] Conference on Sexuality and Covenant" April 19-21 at the historic First Baptist Church Decatur, Ga. CBF is an association of Baptist churches organized nearly 20 years ago in protest of the Southern Baptist Convention's return to orthodox theology.

David Gushee, a noted ethicist at Mercer University, is one of the conference's chief organizers. Gushee stated that the changing face of sexual identity and practice across the American landscape is requiring the church to address its long-held positions on sexual relationships. Keep reading

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