
Thursday, March 01, 2012

Jesus was the 34th miner

A review of Miracle in the Mine, José Henriquez.

On Thursday, August 5, 2010, a mine collapsed in Chile, trapping 33 miners 700 metres underground. For 17 days no one knew if there were any survivors.

Then on August 22, a drilling probe broke through and the miners were able to signal that they were alive. From the moment that they were found, it took another 7 ½ weeks until they were rescued, and the whole world was looking on.

The rescue was widely described a as miracle, however, the extent of that miracle, and how closely many of the miners were walking with God, has not been known until the publication of this book.

José Henriquez was one of those miners, and he became a pastor to the miners following the collapse of the mine. He describes Jesus as the 34th miner, present with them throughout their ordeal. Keep reading

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