
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pastor: Church Leaders Should Be 'Fearful of Our Own Depravity'

An Ohio pastor involved in spreading awareness about child abuse in the U.S. said that the church should be "fearful of our own depravity."

Don Solin, youth pastor for the Next Generation ministry at Fairhaven Church in Dayton, told The Christian Post after a conference call on Tuesday that part of Christianity's response to the problem of child abuse needs to be pastors and clergy recognizing their own potential for depravity.

"All of us who do ministry ought to be fearful of our own depravity," said Solin, who felt that church leaders often run the risk of "[looking] down at other people that are struggling with sin."

"And so if a person in ministry, if a person leading in church thinks they have it all together they better look out…I think as leaders we have to say, 'okay, first of all I am willing to be honest about my own depravity. Outside of Jesus Christ, where would I be?'" Keep reading

Blue Sunday Child Abuse Prevention Initiative

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