
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sermons That Work - A small town pastor's advice on preaching more effective sermons

How do you preach sermons that work? What is involved in preparing a good sermon? You might be surprised! I have preached more sermons in my life than I ever thought possible and in all honesty probably more than was ever necessary! LOL However I see a need in today’s world to share with people some of the insights I have learned over the last 32 years of my life. The art of delivering a good sermon and the work involved to prepare sermons that work seems to be dying. In our age of internet sermons and clones of TV preachers, the amount of pastors that actually spend time before the Lord, spend time in the study of His word, and spend time crafting their own sermons seems to be dwindling. This is one time I hope I am wrong. Keep reading

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