
Thursday, March 01, 2012

Six Keys to Unlock Revelation

Struggle for acceptance

From early times Revelation has been accepted as written by John the apostles and as part of the canon of the Bible. But it has struggled for practical acceptance in mainstream churches because

(a) its unusual symbolism and sometimes extreme language; and

(b) has been the focus of marginal sects and source of weird interpretations.

In the Reformation period it was barely tolerated:

•Luther regarded as ‘dumb prophecy’ and did not regard it as inspired.

•Calvin, though prolific commentator, wrote no commentary on Revelation.

Neglect in mainstream churches:

•Many in mainstream churches wary of the book; a reaction against extreme views that often surface in times of catastrophe.

•Does not feature in church lectionaries.

•Is often not taught in mainstream seminaries.

Yet Revelation is ‘trinitarian’ in theology and ‘catholic’ in application

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