
Friday, March 09, 2012

Some Thoughts on “Go and Make Disciples of All Nations”

At one time or another, all Christian leaders are confronted with the command of Jesus found in the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 19-20) that says, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” Being involved in missions for all my life, I have often thought through this verse. I find it interesting that these are among the last recorded words of Jesus and therefore seem to carry a little more weight. My father, whom I love dearly, is still alive, Lord willing for quite a long time to come. But, I can imagine that if he was near death and he had something important to say to me that I would listen even more carefully. I would do so because I know how much he loves me and that whatever he had to say in his limited time left would be very important to him; I’d listen!

With that in mind, I carefully digest this command. As a Christian leader and one who is involved in training others worldwide, this verse has become central to my understanding of Christian work and purpose. I have come to understand that there are three questions presented in this verse whose answers provide the framework for the task to which Jesus has called us as pastors and leaders. The questions are.... Keep reading

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