
Friday, March 16, 2012

Wales enjoys a wonderful Christian heritage but does it have much of a future?

Our lives must reflect the message we hear each Sunday

Research by the Evangelical Alliance in Wales has found that in spite of the nation’s history of revivals, at the turn of the millennium Wales was the least evangelical of the UK nations.

Similarly, a recent gathering of church leaders was reminded that a survey of UK church attendance published by Tearfund in 2007 showed that Wales had the least number of regular church goers (12%) and the highest number of closed de-churched - people who once had some church contact and are resistant to any further engagement (46%).

It’s not all “doom and gloom” of course. It is not difficult to find vibrant churches that are impacting their communities in all sorts of ways. Indeed the “Faith in Wales” report published in 2008 shows that faith groups in Wales (the vast majority of whom are Christian) contribute over £100 million to the national economy.

“Waleswide” is yet another promising initiative. “Waleswide” is a network of evangelical churches that works with leaders to see churches established especially where there is no evangelical church presence, and where churches need to be strengthened in their effectiveness. Keep reading

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