
Monday, March 05, 2012

Welsh evangelicals defend collective worship

The Welsh Evangelical Alliance has defended the role of collective worship in schools following calls for an end to the tradition by secularists.

Last September the British Humanist Association launched a petition on the Assembly’s website calling for the abolition of collective worship, arguing that it is extremely unpopular and suggesting that teachers, parents and children did not want it.

The petition has currently attracted 234 signatures.

According to law and UK government guidelines, schools in Wales are required to provide daily collective worship that is to be “wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character”. “Mainly” is interpreted to mean that over half of assemblies need to be Christian in nature, while “broadly” means that they are meant to be inclusive of different Christian denominations.

The law currently protects the right of Christian children, young people and teachers to manifest their faith through prayer and worship in schools. Keep reading

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