
Wednesday, March 07, 2012

What Church Planting Taught Me

Many of you know that I helped to plant a church in Baltimore called The Garden Community. Planting a church was an incredible roller coaster ride, teaching me about dependence on God, effective leadership, how to care well for people of different backgrounds, and my own spiritual condition. A friend of mine once told me that everyone should start a church at least once in their lives. While I may not fully buy into that line of thought, I do highly recommend that if you are called to do so that you pursue it with everything in your being, and don’t stop until you hear God telling you to.

Over the next few weeks I am going to share a little bit of what I learned through my experiences in Baltimore and the lessons that I learned during my time there. Here is a little bit of where I am headed. Keep reading

Related article: Church Planting: Exegeting Your Community

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