
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Can banning things lead to tolerance?

‘London is intolerant of intolerance.’

So said the Mayor of London as he stepped in to ban adverts which drew attention to the existence of people who identify as ‘post gay’. It is difficult to deny that our culture is increasingly confused about the meaning of tolerance. Should women playing football be banned from wearing the burkha? In 2007 FIFA outlawed the headscarf (on grounds of health and safety). That ban has just been lifted.

On the same day as London’s Mayor declared that, ‘London is one of the most tolerant cities in the world,’ the Vice-Chancellor of London Metropolitan University revealed that he is hoping to ban alcohol on university grounds since some groups view it as ‘evil’ and ‘immoral.’ Muslim groups and the Policy Adviser for the Methodist Church welcomed the move. Tolerant or intolerant?

Can banning things lead to tolerance? Many in our culture think so, and the consensus in support of such an approach is trending upwards, rapidly. Read more

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