
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Considering (and Surviving) Unhealthy Christian Organizations, Part 2

In part one, I shared six signs you may be working in an unhealthy Christian organization. Many of you shared your experiences in the comment section as well. Unfortunately those issues occur more often than any of us would like.

Some interesting things occurred in response to that post. First, more than one person from the same organization contacted me thanking me. My exhortation to them was simple-- I've been there, hang in there but get out as fast as you can.

That is why, if you do find yourself in an unhealthy Christian organization, I would encourage you to consider that God may want you to leave it. My own standard is this: will staying here hurt my walk with God or harm my family?

You might be able to handle it, but you have to ask how it will impact your family as well. You may notice that the leader often talks about the priority of family, but generally only gives priority to his or her own family-- if even them. You are the only one who is advocating for your family-- protect them.

Being at a place that "makes a difference" sounds good, but if you end up with a confused spiritual life or broken family, it is just not worth the price. You do not want to be a "great place" and have a broken life because you have become warped by the culture around you.

That is indeed what happens. You can often see the impact on those close to the leader. An unhealthy Christian organization tends to have two things going on at the top of the organizations.... Read more

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