
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Evangelicalism, a global faith

Evangelical Christianity, once marginalized geographically and philosophically in the modern world, has become a truly global faith over the past half century -- with two main competitors.

"The chief contenders for the hearts and souls of those living in the 21st century [will be] Muslims, evangelical Christians and secularists," says renowned British mission leader Patrick Johnstone, former editor of "Operation World," the bestselling guide that has helped millions of believers learn about and pray for the peoples of the world.

"Who is going to be the most successful? Islam is growing, largely by biological growth, not by conversion. Evangelicals are growing massively by conversion. Secularists are adding to their number every year, but are dying as a breed, because they are not having enough children to replace themselves -- which is an interesting phenomenon."

But you won't hear much about that phenomenon from Western media, since they are largely controlled by secularists. Nor will you hear much from them about the staggering growth of the church in China, which is on track to have the largest evangelical Christian population in the world by 2050. Read more

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