
Monday, April 16, 2012

Funding ministry to non churched people

Praise God that it is finally occurring. After years of training enough pastors to fill positions in churches we are coming to the point where we have enough people well trained to be able to work in new evangelistic areas.
With this delight comes the need to think outside the square about where to minister and also the need to fund these new ministries.

In recent years the burgeoning numbers of trained pastors has meant that more chaplaincy evangelism ad ministry can be conducted. So now, under God’s good hand we have ministers of the gospel in schools, prisons, retirement villages, workplaces, sporting teams and to specific sub cultures. Praise God for this.

But there are still so many groups that are unreached and the financial constraints so great. Here are two stories about how two men are having others those they are ministering to fund their evangelistic ministry. Read more

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