
Friday, April 06, 2012

The Good Friday Fiasco is Utter Foolishness

Let me see if I have this right. You Christians believe that the Son of God suffered and died on a cross 2000 years ago...and that somehow, this helps you get connected to your God. Yep. That's right. That is the teaching of the Bible. And is utter foolishness to the natural way of thinking about God. And by the way....He is not just our God....He is the true God, the One and only.

Without Good Friday, there is no Christianity. Jesus did not come to earth to bring a new or better set of moral standards. We already had the 10 Commandments. Jesus came to give us something we lacked...and desperately needed. He came to bring us back to the Father. We had lost our way. We had lost our innocence. We needed a Savior, and not just another teacher. Read more

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