
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Imagine Yourself Overcoming Your Most Tenacious Sin

What is your biggest area of weakness and temptation? The only way to experience victory in Jesus over that sin is to own it and rise above it by God's grace. You can do it, but you first must believe that God can free you from the chains of that thing which pull at you day after day.

If you are an unbeliever and have not yet accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, my advice to you my friend is to own your unbelief and rise above it. Jesus has risen from the grave. You will never rise up in faith until you "own" your unbelief and confess that sin to God. As long as you coddle your unbelief, you will never rise up in victory over the damning transgression of rejecting Christ.

If you are a believer and are struggling with the same sin over and over again, you first must own it and admit to God and yourself that you alone are responsible for your sinful choices. It's not someone else's fault that you are choosing to give into temptation time and time again. Own it and rise above it as you rely upon Christ to empower you to walk in the light. Read more

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