
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is Your Church Late to the Mobile Party?

“With half of the total U.S. population already accessing the Web through smart phones and tablets, a mobile platform is a necessity.” That is a quote from an article in the April 12th edition of the Wall Street Journal entitled, “Is Your Company Late to the Mobile Party? Using that article as a spring board led me to the title of this post and the question I want to ask you, “Is your church late to the mobile party?” My guess is yes!

The writer of the WSJ article, Ed Nash, called mobile use Web 3.0. My experience is that churches are still trying to get their minds around using the Web effectively in the first place. A mobile platform? We don’t even have the old platform down yet. We are not falling behind we are behind!

Here are some mobile facts about Web 3.0 that Mr. Nash gave in his article. Read more

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