
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Canadian Group to Launch 'Jesus Said' Campaign in Response to 'No God But Allah' Posters

Members of a Christian college in Canada will be placing posters around the Toronto Transit Commission's subway system in an attempt to counter recent posters displayed by a Muslim group declaring "there is no god but Allah."

"JESUS SAID, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one come to the Father except through Me,'" the posters from the Canada Christian College (CCC) reads. The college told The Toronto Sun Monday that it would be placing posters around 50 transportation centers across the city to reach out to commuters.

The CCC poster campaign is set to be launched by May 1 and follows a similar campaign carried out this past January by a Canadian Muslim group, the Walk-In Islamic Infocenter. Read more

Related article: Canadian group will place posters in subways

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