
Monday, April 23, 2012

How To Make Your Ideas Work

Organizations, businesses, churches and individuals come up with new ideas all the time, yet many of these ideas never come to completion. Why? Are they simply bad ideas? Some of them, maybe. But the real problem lies within how the ideas are developed. The reality is: We are going about idea development all wrong.

In order to give an idea or plan optimal conditions for likely success, you need to get the idea out your head and transform it into a sensory experience. This is where most of us go wrong in the idea development process. We want to go straight from thought to idea completion, not realizing that for our ideas to beat the odds, a creative sensory experience needs to take place. When we can see, hear, and feel something, it becomes real and believable, more than just a figment of imagination. This exponentially increases the likelihood of success. Read more

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