
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Orthodox Anglicans committed to unity

The conference, held at St Mark’s, Battersea Rise, brought together 200 leaders of the FCA to discuss the future of the movement.

The FCA grew up out of the 2008 GAFCON conference of orthodox Anglicans and their strong opposition to the liberalisation of Anglicanism in parts of the Communion, particularly North America.

In a closing statement of commitment on Friday, FCA leaders said their two goals were to proclaim and defend the Gospel throughout the world, and to strengthen the church worldwide by “supporting and authenticating faithful Anglicans who have been disenfranchised from their spiritual homes”. Read more
The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans has yet to offer a satisfactory explanation for the need for a "closed-door conference" under a "media blackout." The FCA includes the same folks who recently objected to the lack of openness and transparency in the leadership of the Anglican Mission in the Americas. 

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