
Friday, April 13, 2012

Six Tips for Keeping New Small Groups Healthy

In our 40 Days of Purpose campaign at Saddleback, we saw God work “exceedingly abundantly beyond what we asked or thought,” as Paul said. We discovered that using videotape of Rick teaching the material enabled ordinary members to effectively lead small groups because they didn’t need the same skills for teaching, facilitation, and knowledge of the Scripture as the pastor or other trained leader might have.

The result was that we trained more than 2,000 new hosts and launched 2,300 small groups that reached more than 20,000 people!

Suddenly, we had a powerful way to change the community around us through people who were living healthy, balanced, purpose driven lives together in these small groups. The challenge we faced was how to keep those small groups healthy and vital.

Here are six tips for keeping new small groups healthy so they can make the impact God wants.... Read more

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