
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Six Ways to Give Your People False Assurance

As a pastor, I interact with a lot of people who struggle to have confidence in the authenticity of their conversion. To their mind, their sin clings closely and their failings are always at hand. Most of the time, I find that these are faithful brothers and sisters who need comfort and reassurance.

But there’s another group of people in many of our churches that are much more worrisome: those with a firm but unfounded belief that they are genuinely converted. Perhaps you know they type. They know the right words. They stay free from scandalous public sin. And they are moral people. But they have no true fruit, no evidence that God’s converting Spirit is at work within them. And oftentimes there is an untreated area of secret sin. Read more

Read March-April 2012 9Marks Journal: Conversion in Theological Perspective


  1. The only thing necessary to conversion is an assent to the essential propositions of the Law and the Gospel. The Law condemns all to hell and all deserve hell. The Gospel promises salvation to all who believe, apart from good works. There is nothing more necessary than faith. (Romans 3:20ff). Good works are not necessary for salvation or justification. Period. See Articles 9-18.

  2. As with all neo-legalists "conversion" is seen as "transformation" or "sanctification" rather than being justified by faith ALONE. The mark of a legalist is to emphasize "change" above the imputed righteousness of Christ and justification by faith alone. The vast majority of the "evangelical" world today has more in common with Rome or Arminianism (read semi-pelagianism) than with the Biblical Gospel of justification by faith alone, the sine qua non of true Christianity.

    Faith, assent to the Gospel promises is all that is necessary to salvation. Making more Pharisees with the label of "Christian" attached is just more false religion.

    Sincerely yours in Christ,


    Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Sola Scriptura, Solus Christus, Sola Gloria Deo
