
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What does it mean to be Unequally Yoked?

A while back I had a person come to me considering a relationship with a person that was obviously not a good match for them. They said to me, “well they are a believer so we are not unequally yoked“. Every time I hear a believer bring up this scripture I inwardly cringe. It never fails, when they are using this scripture they are using it in a way that is trying to justify a relationship, not discern a relationship. Too many times Christians view the scriptures as prohibitive rather than proactive. What I mean by that is that they look at the Bible as a book of don’ts. Don’t do this, don’t do that. Instead the Bible is a book that helps us avoid huge mistakes in our lives by giving us principles and guidelines to miss the pitfalls in life. This unequally yoked scripture is one of those bible verses that if we will understand the principle of it, it will save us a lot of heartache and in all honesty, unsatisfactory marriages. Read more

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