
Monday, April 30, 2012

Viewpoint: Why North American Anglicans are the way they are

In my experience many North American Episcopalians/Anglicans, even from very good orthodox churches, have only a rudimentary concept of what lies between Genesis 1 and Revelation 22 - and, worse, little desire to learn. Here are seven reasons (among many) why we are the way we are.... Read more


  1. Excellent analysis of the status quo but little said of the causes. "Higher criticism" is at the root of the problem but has been taught in Episcopal seminaries for many generations. Unless higher criticism is abolished and replaced with sound biblical exegesis, orthodox Anglicanism is doomed.
    Charles Morley

  2. Because they are satisfied with false substitutes like TEC,ACNA and the Continuing Churches. It is their nature.
