
Monday, May 21, 2012

2,200 Female churchgoers sign petition against women bishops

Anglican Mainstream, the BBC News website, and The Times, report today that 2,200 female members of the Church of England have signed a petition opposing the ordination of women bishops. The petition will be presented today to the House of Bishops at the start of their meeting in York.

General Synod member Susie Leafe, who organised the petition, said: “Not all the women in the Church of England think having women bishops is a great idea – our petition proves that, and we ask our bishops to recognise that and make proper provision for us. We believe that God created men and women equal but different, and that those differences are seen in the God-given roles that men and women have within the family and within God’s household, the church.”

Mrs Leafe continued: “This is not an outdated view held by a few ‘diehard traditionalists’. Our survey of those who signed the petition shows that they come from churches that are growing, youthful and very female friendly.Read more


  1. When it was proposed at lambeth 1920 to give women deaconesses, the status of male deacons, over 55,000 Church of England women signed a petition against it.

    The difference in numbers shows the decline of the Anglo Catholics and the Church in general. At that time there were 3 million regular communicants instead of barely one million. Plus the fact it was the Anglo catholic Church Union who drew up the petition.
