
Friday, May 18, 2012

5 Reasons Your Church Should Serve Single Moms

With an estimated 15 million single mothers in the United States and numbers increasing daily, it is imperative that the local church have a thriving single mothers program. It is estimated that 67% of single mothers do not actively attend church. As the church – the body of Christ – this should pain us. It should keep us up at night. Many single mothers do not feel they belong in the house of God. The fear that they will be judged. They are concerned that others will not understand their journey.

It is important that we understand that single mothers, like all of us, desire genuine connection and fellowship with those who best understand our situation. We all want to know that someone has walked the path we are currently on, and not only survived, but thrived.

So, why should we formalize a single moms’ ministry within the walls of our church? Read more

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