
Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Andy Stanley Didn't Leave Any Wiggle Room

Anyone who has been richly blessed over the years by the preaching of Dr. Charles Stanley, as I have been, knows that he has a real gift to proclaim the Word of God with clarity and purpose in the power of the Holy Spirit. In other words, Dr. Stanley doesn't leave much wiggle room for his hearers. I really like that when I am listening to a message from God's Word. It reminds me that God has placed plenty of stakes in the ground regarding the truth, sin, and grace.

I have not had the pleasure to hear many messages from Dr. Stanley's son, Andy, but I have heard good things about him and sensed that God has used his life in tremendous ways to make disciples for Christ there in Atlanta. I was extremely surprised to read what I did today regarding his message from a couple weeks ago on April 15. A number of wise Christians are sharing some important thoughts online about that sermon. Read more

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