
Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Bishop Todd Hunter joins ACNA

Bishop Todd Hunter of the Anglican Mission in America (AMiA) has been received by the Anglican Church in North America and will serve as an assistant bishop in the office of the primate, the Most Rev. Robert Duncan.

On 4 May 2012 the California-based bishop held a conference call with Archbishop Duncan, Bishop Chuck Murphy of the AMiA, and Bishop Terrell Glenn of PEAR-USA/ACNA to discuss his future plans.

Bishop Hunter stated that he had a “warm and collegial conversations” with the three bishops and “articulated for each of them my vision of C4SO becoming a servant to all the various Anglican entities within North America. C4SO will happily plant churches in partnership with PEARUSA, TheAm and the ACNA.”

C4SO – Churches for the Sake of Others – is a church planting initiative run by Bishop Hunter that will now move under the ecclesial oversight of the ACNA. Read more

Update: This statement from Bishop Hunter's office was posted on the Stand Firm website:
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Todd Hunter has requested transfer from the Anglican Province of Rwanda to the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh of the Anglican Church in North America. Bishop Todd has requested to serve as Bishop with Special Mission. He will continue to lead Churches for the Sake of Others (C4SO) as his principal call in ministry and will be headquartered on the West Coast.
 Bishop Hunter looks forward to meeting with Archbishop Duncan in Pittsburgh in the next few weeks to achieve the canonical and jurisdictional precision necessary for a church planting mission to work cooperatively with provincial and diocesan structures.

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