
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Islamist claims refuted by Nigerian churches

The Nigerian military's raid of a Muslim terrorist base stocked with explosives and ammunition in Jos refutes Islamist claims that Christians have been bombing their own churches, a local pastor told Compass Direct News.

Following an intensive three-day search by Nigeria's Special Military Task Force that found four Improvised Explosive Devices -- along with one that detonated without casualties -- the pastor of a church less than two kilometers away said God has vindicated area Christians.

It disproves claims by Muslims, after attacking Christian churches, "that Christians have been responsible for these bombings," said the pastor, whose name is withheld for security reasons.

"But now," the pastor said, "everyone knows that Boko Haram" -- an extremist Muslim sect -- "has carried out the attacks and bombings on Christians and our churches in collaboration with other local Muslims in Jos," a city of 1 million people in central Nigeria. Read more

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