
Friday, May 18, 2012

Pat Robertson Says The Episcopal Church Is Becoming 'Apostate'

Controversial televangelist Pat Robertson recently told audiences that it was only "a question of time before" The Episcopal Church would be declared "apostate" by the Anglican Communion.

In remarks made on the 700 Club on Wednesday, Robertson stated that "the whole Episcopal Church in America has left its roots" and that it being declared apostate "is on the way."

Robert H. Lundy, communications officer for the American Anglican Council, a conservative movement hoping to return The Episcopal Church to "an apostolic faith," told The Christian Post that he agreed with Robertson's assessment.

"Of course The Episcopal Church has left its roots and, regarding its leadership, is apostate. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is an apostate leader as are many other leaders in TEC," said Lundy. "The American Anglican Council has pointed this fact out for many years as we work to promote biblically faithful Anglicanism in North America and worldwide." Read more

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