
Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Reform Ireland welcomes FCA Statement

The statement presented by Bishop John Ellison, Chairman of FCA UK, is very timely and to be welcomed by all orthodox believers within the Church of Ireland. Whilst we would acknowledge that our present situation is different from that faced by our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Church of England, there are many similarities.

The campaign for the acceptance of same-sex unions and the present situation with Dean Gordon leaves us no room to be complacent. Reform Ireland welcomes the commitment of the Primates of FCA to providing orthodox Episcopal oversight to those who are unable to accept the unorthodox teaching and practice of their diocesan bishop. We are also encouraged by the clear biblical teaching and leadership that has been evident this past week at the London Celebration. We are thankful to our brothers and sisters from the global south for their love, support, encouragement and prayers. We thank them for standing with us in these difficult times and for their commitment to walk with us as we continue to stand for the biblically orthodox faith of the Church of Ireland.

At present no one within the Church of Ireland has sought alternative Episcopal oversight. However, we should be prepared for such an eventuality. The present structures of AMiE and the Episcopal oversight provided by the FCA primates is a helpful blueprint that we now need to consider as orthodox believers within the Church of Ireland.

Reform Ireland eagerly awaits the motion on human sexuality that the House of Bishops are bringing to the General Synod this year. We ask all to be much in prayer for our Bishops as they decide what to bring before synod. We ask you to pray that the orthodox and historical teaching of 2000 years of the Church catholic would not be abandoned by those called by God to guard the faith once delivered. If General Synod decides to abandon the biblical teaching of the Church on human sexuality and bishops allow such immoral practices to continue then we would foresee a situation where some form of Anglican Mission in Ireland would be put in place to enable orthodox believers to remain within the Church of Ireland and the Anglican Communion. 

Reform Ireland reaffirms its commitment to the common faith contained in the Jerusalem Declaration.

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