
Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Subversive Kingdom

Living as agents of gospel transformation

One of the most familiar yet radical statements in Scripture comes from the prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray: "Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matt. 6:10). We're never going to see this culmination perfectly fulfilled, of course, until Christ returns in full glory, when he will bring a highly visual end to the rebellion of the world's system. But until that time, our rescued condition—our new kingdom citizenship with its transferred loyalties—compels us into becoming agents of "rebellion against this rebellion," working intentionally to subvert the devil's claim to authority overours and others' individual lives. In a sense we are a worldwide network of underground operatives, poking more holes in Satan's enterprise than he can possibly plug. We live out a daring mission, serving others and pulling them back from his traps while his back is turned ….

Come on. Don't you want a piece of that? Read more

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