
Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Archbishop Okoh urges Nigerians to keep the faith in the face of terror

Boko Haram attack in Northern Nigeria kills 15

A lone suicide bomber killed at least 15 people last Sunday in a terrorist attack on a church in Nigeria’s Bauchi state. On 3 June 2012 a terrorist drove into the compound of the Harvest Field of Christ Church, Yelwa, Bauchi State, detonating a car bomb as worshippers began leaving the morning service.

While no group has so far taken responsibility for the attack, police believe the attack was the work of Boko Haram, the radical Islamist sect whose name in Hausa means “Western education is sacrilege." At least 500 people have been killed in mass terror attacks in Northern Nigeria so far this year – church leaders in Nigeria report the death toll is much higher as sectarian murders in the countryside are seldom reported in the media.

The Nigerian Red Cross reported that at least 15 people were killed in the explosion while dozens more were wounded. Read more

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