
Friday, June 08, 2012

Dan Delzell: Can Deliberate Sin Negate Your Conversion Experience?

Every Christian hits rough spots at times where a particular sin just seems to get the upper hand for awhile. It might be a grudge....or impure thoughts....or jealousy....or whatever. By God's grace, believers somehow manage to bounce back and get beyond these spiritual setbacks. It's so much better to be living "in the zone" of God's abundant love, power, and boundaries.

But what about the professing believer who never bounces back? He just continues charging into sin while pursuing those desires which are contrary to God's will. What are we to make of such a person?

Well....the Arminian might say that such a person has lost his salvation....while the Calvinist might say that such a person was never saved in the first place....or that he will eventually repent and return to God. What does God's Word say? Can deliberate sin negate your conversion experience? It's a question worth addressing because it's a question that comes up quite often. Read more

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