
Saturday, June 09, 2012

Ed Stetzer on the Local Congregation, Our Engine for Church Planting

“God is calling your church and my church to join Him in His global mission.”

In a follow-up discussion on the role of the local congregation, Dr. Ed Stetzer of LifeWay Christian Resources told Assembly attendees, “The Church is intended to be the engine of church planting around the world.” Citing the four commissions of Jesus in Scripture, he said, “We are sent to all people with a message through the empowerment of the Spirit.”

Stetzer opened by saying, “What you celebrate, you become.” He went on to say that if we celebrate doctrine and division, we will become more like that. However, if we celebrate church planting, reaching people with the Gospel, and God’s global mission, we will become more like those things. Read more

Keynote Speaker Ed Stetzer Discusses the Local Congregation, Our Engine of Discipleship

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