
Monday, June 11, 2012

Iran Closing Down Tehran Evangelical Church

Evangelical Christians in Iran's capital Tehran were without a church building Sunday, June 10, after Iranian security forces closed it down as part of a wider crackdown, Iranian Christians and activists told BosNewsLife.

The 100-strong Jannat Abad Church, which is part of the evangelical Assemblies of God domination, had been operating in the building for some 15 years, Christians said.

It reportedly provided two services per week, prayer sessions and Bible studies.

Iranian Christians said the order came from Iran’s Revolutionary Guard’s Intelligence branch on Tuesday, June 5.

A spokesperson of the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran group told BosNewsLife that the government action is part of a "drive to close churches".

This "is an assault on free religious practice, in violation of Iran’s international commitments, and a sign of growing religious intolerance within the Iranian government," added spokesperson Hadi Ghaemi. Read more

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