
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Reform says 'furore' over women bishops shows need for better provision

Reform members on General Synod encouraged to vote against Women's Measure

Reform Chairman Rev’d Rod Thomas said today that “Reform deeply regrets that we have reached such an impasse on women bishops” with the current House of Bishops’ amendments not satisfying the conservative evangelical network’s concerns over their future in the Church of England.

Speaking in advance of a prayer meeting for over 200 Reform members in central London, Mr Thomas said: “We thank the House of Bishops for their work. They have tried to find a way through. But their amendments have not succeeded in persuading our members that there is a secure future for those who cannot in conscience accept the oversight of women as bishops. In light of that we will be encouraging our members on General Synod to vote against the legislation as it stands.”

Mr Thomas added: “The furore created by some in response to these small amendments reveals most clearly the reason why those who hold to our Biblical position need legislative clarity, not just a code of practice if we are to continue to encourage young people to come forward for ordination. Read more

1 comment:

  1. It is clear that while the post-Counterculture crowd wants to make a secular institution out of you. While the 'anglo-catholic' see this as a calling to subvert... The Church in Africa and those not wanting anymore of the two, uphold in Christ.
