
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Reformed Church Appoints 'New Committee' on Homosexuality

The Reformed Church in America has opted to appoint a "new committee" to recommend a set of plans to deal with certain issues pertaining to the denomination's position on homosexuality.

The General Synod voted Monday during its annual meeting to create this new group so as to deal with the many overtures made by RCA churches about the controversial issue. Christina Tazelaar, managing editor of the denomination's publication RCA Today, told The Christian Post that the new committee came as counterproposal to a recommendation to create a "study group."

"A recommendation was presented to the General Synod to appoint a study group on homosexuality," said Tazelaar. "Delegates discussed the recommendation and, in the end, adopted a substitute recommendation that affirmed the General Synod's stance on homosexuality and called for a new committee…"

According to Tazelaar, this new committee will "pray and work together to recommend a way forward given the disagreement in the denomination around homosexuality." Read more

Reformed Church to Discuss Response to Homosexuality on Monday

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