
Monday, June 11, 2012

The Revised Draft of the Proposed PEARUSA Charter: Even Less Cause for Celebration

By Robin G. Jordan

It may be too late to offer my appraisal of the revised draft of the proposed PERUSA charter. Those leaders who will be exploring the ACNA-PEARUSA protocol and the proposed PEARUSA charter at the Celebration Assembly in Raleigh, North Carolina Tuesday afternoon may not see this article until after that gathering. However, I feel an obligation to share my concerns about the provisions of the revised draft with my readers.

The PEARUSA Steering Committee has made significant changes in Article 3, Section 3 of the proposed charter. This can be readily seen from a comparison of Article 3, Section 3 in the first draft with the same section in the revised draft.

First Draft:

“With the oversight, prayers, and encouragement of the House of Bishops of Rwanda, PEARUSA is governed by a College of Laity and Clergy meeting in General Assembly.

The Inaugural General Assembly is described in Article 6 of this Charter. The General Assembly must meet at least once every three years.”

Revised Draft:

"a. With the oversight, prayers, and encouragement of the Provincial House of Bishops of Rwanda, PEARUSA is governed by a College of Laity and Clergy meeting in Sacred Assembly. The Inaugural Sacred Assembly and its purposes are described in Article 6 of this Charter.

b. The ordinary work of the College of Laity and Clergy is delegated to the Mission Council, described in Article 3, Section 8. The Mission Council is accountable to the House of Bishops of Rwanda and does the work of the Missionary District except when the College of Laity and Clergy is constituted to transact extraordinary business of the Missionary District, as described in Article 3, Section 3, c.

c. Provision for a special session of the College of Laity and Clergy for transacting extraordinary business of the Missionary District can be made in conjunction with any annual Sacred Assembly, as set forth in Article 7. The scheduling of all sessions for extraordinary business is to be determined by the College of Bishops of PEARUSA, or the House of Bishops of Rwanda.”

These changes substantially limit the role of the College of Laity and Clergy in the governance of PEARUSA and move PEARUSA's form of governance closer to the ACNA provincial model—an extremely unfortunate development. Note that the term “Sacred Assembly” has been substituted for “General Assembly.” A PEARUSA Sacred Assembly is the equivalent of an AMiA Winter Conference and an ACNA Provincial Assembly. It is essentially a mission conference and not a legislative body. This is a decided move away from a synodical form of ecclesiastical governance.

The substitution of the phrase “Sacred Assembly” for “General Assembly” occurs throughout the revised draft of the proposed charter except in Article 3, Section 9 and Article 8 where “General Assembly” is retained. “General Assembly” is also used in the ACNA-PEARUSA Protocol.

In Article 3, Section 7 the term “the Sacred Assemblies” is substituted for “the General Assembly.”

Article 3, Section 8 of the first draft of the proposed charter has been dropped and the remaining sections of Article 3 have been renumbered. Article 3, Section of the proposed charter’s first draft related to the composition and responsibilities of the Mission Council:

“Section 8. The Mission Council

The Mission Council does the work of the General Assembly during the intervening period between General Assembly meetings, and is accountable to the General Assembly.

The Mission Council is comprised of the College of Bishops, and two representatives, one clergy and one lay person, elected from and by every Regional Network. The responsibilities of the Mission Council include overseeing the financial affairs of PEARUSA, having custody and control of all PEARUSA property, maintaining the church roster by admitting and dismissing affiliated churches and missions within PEARUSA, advising the College of Bishops in ecclesiastical affairs, and making preparations for the next General Assembly, including reporting on its meetings and
actions since the prior Assembly.”

The PEARUSA Steering Committee has made a significant change in what is now Article 3, Section 8 of the proposed charter as a comparison of Article 3, Section 9 of the first draft with Article 3, Section 8 of the revised draft shows:

First Draft:

“Section 9. The Panel of Review

A Panel of Review shall adjudicate by majority decision any interpretive questions raised in the North American implementation of this Charter and the Provincial Canons. The Panel shall consist of North American clergy from different regional networks elected to the Panel by the General Assembly, and Rwandan clergy appointed by the Provincial House of Bishops [emphasis added]. The number of North American panelists shall not be fewer than two, nor shall it be greater than five, nor shall it exceed the number of regional networks.”

Revised Draft:

“Section 8. The Panel of Review

A Panel of Review shall adjudicate by majority decision any interpretive questions raised in the North American implementation of this Charter and the Provincial Canons. The Panel shall consist of North American clergy from different regional networks elected to the Panel by the Mission Council and Rwandan clergy appointed by the Provincial House of Bishops [emphasis added]. The number of North American panelists shall not be fewer than two, nor shall it be greater than five, nor shall it exceed the number of regional networks.”

Note that the North American panelists are no longer elected by the General Assembly. Instead they are elected by the Mission Council. 

In Article 3, Section 9 of the revised draft of the proposed charter the composition of the board of directors of the PEARUSA non-profit corporation hs been amended to include the Presider and the Treasurer of the Missionary District.

The PEARUSA Steering Committee has also made a number of changes in what is now Article 3, Section 10. Compare Article 3, Section 11 of the first draft with Article 3, Section 10 of the revised draft:

First Draft:

“Section 11. Transitional Governance

Prior to the Inaugural General Assembly, PEARUSA will exist as a single Regional Network. Under the direction of the Archbishop, the Network will nominate candidates for Missionary Bishop according to Article 3, Section 5. The bishop-elect chosen through this process will serve as Presider pro tempore until the College of Bishops is constituted after the Inaugural General Assembly. During this time, the ecclesiastical governance of PEARUSA will remain the responsibility of the Presider and a Mission Council pro tempore consisting of the Steering Team. Upon the conclusion of the Inaugural General Assembly, the Mission Council pro tempore, will consist of those persons elected during the Inaugural General Assembly and ratified by the Provincial Archbishop. Led by the Presider pro tempore, the Mission Council pro tempore will continue to bear responsibility for the governance of PEARUSA until the constitution of the first College of Bishops and Mission Council.”

Revised Draft:

Section 10. Transitional Governance

Prior to the Inaugural Sacred Assembly, PEARUSA will exist as a single Network (or as regional networks in formation). Under the direction of the Archbishop, the Network will nominate one or more candidates for Missionary Bishop according to Article 3, Section 5. The bishop-elect chosen through this process will serve as Presider pro tempore until the College of Bishops is constituted after the Inaugural Sacred Assembly and the permanent first-term Presider is chosen. During this transitional time, the ecclesiastical governance of PEARUSA will remain the responsibility of the Presider pro tempore and a Mission Council pro tempore. Upon the conclusion of the Inaugural Sacred Assembly, a permanent Mission Council will be constituted according to the provisions of Article 3, Section 8. Led by the Presider pro tempore, the permanent Mission Council will bear responsibility for the transitional governance of PEARUSA along with the College of Bishops. Once the College of Bishops chooses its first-term Presider, the transitional governance passes to the permanent governance of Presider, College of Bishops and Mission Council.”

The typological error in Article 4, Section 4 has been corrected: “In every church of PEARUSA there shall be a duly constituted vestry or Parish Council that aids the Rector….”

The PEARUSA Steering Committee has made sweeping changes in Article 6, added a new Article 7, and renumbered Article 7 of the first draft Article 8 in the revised draft. For comparison I have given the complete text of Articles 6 and 7 of the first draft and Articles 6, 7, and 8 of the revised draft in the appendix to this article.

Governance is not the primary role of the Sacred Assemblies. Their main purposes are “worship, teaching, mutual encouragement, for deepening relationships, and especially for strengthening and expanding mission.” They afford opportunities that the Mission Council can exploit to report to and interact with those present concerning the current state, work, and direction of the Missionary District.

At the discretion of the College of Bishops or the Provincial House of Bishops extraordinary business that the Mission Council cannot resolve may be referred to a special session of the College of Laity and Clergy at a Sacred Assembly. Any PEARUSA bishop representing a majority of the clergy and churches of his regional network, or by two or more PEARUSA bishops may petition such a session or the Provincial Archbishop may declare one. The Mission Council or the lay and clergy representatives to the College of Laity and Clergy cannot not request a special session. Neither can a Network Assembly unless the bishop overseeing the Regional Network concurs.

The charter no longer prescribes the composition of the Mission Council, its manner of election or appointment, or its specific functions and powers.

With the exception of a typographical error none of the problem areas to which I drew attention in my appraisal of the first draft of the proposed charter have been corrected. With the changes that the PEARUSA Steering Committee has made in the revised draft of the charter, it has added to these problem areas.

If the governance structures of the Regional Networks are modeled upon those of the Missionary District, the laity in PEARUSA can expect to play a minimal role at best in their governance.

The changes that the PEARUSA Steering Committee has made in the revised draft of the charter make PEARUSA even less attractive to conservative evangelicals like myself. 

The First Draft of the Proposed PEARUSA Charter:

“Article 6. Constituting of the Inaugural General Assembly

Section 1. Authority and Organization of the Inaugural General Assembly

The purpose of the Inaugural General Assembly shall be to govern PEARUSA with the oversight, prayers, and encouragement of the House of Bishops of Rwanda. The PEARUSA Steering Team shall determine the date, time and place of meetings of this Assembly. No less than sixty days prior to the Assembly, the Steering Team shall give written notice of the date, time and place to all PEARUSA clergy and churches by mail, email, or other electronic publication.

Each affiliated church shall be represented in the Inaugural General Assembly as directed by this Charter. The Assembly shall function as a unicameral body of clergy and laity.

The Assembly shall have authority to adopt a Constitution, Canons and rules of order and discipline, organize PEARUSA into regional networks, approve resolutions and budgets, elect a Mission Council pro tempore and representatives to the Panel of Review, receive any protocol established between PEARUSA and ACNA, and take any other specific action for the conduct of the affairs of PEARUSA, provided such actions do not conflict with this Charter.

Section 2. Composition

The Inaugural General Assembly shall be composed of the lay and clerical delegates from the affiliated churches and the PEARUSA Steering Team. The lay delegates to the Assembly shall be composed of representative lay persons from the churches affiliated with PEARUSA thirty days prior to the beginning of the Assembly. The clerical delegates shall be composed of bishops, presbyters and deacons licensed in PEARUSA thirty days prior to the beginning of the Assembly. No one under ecclesiastical discipline
of PEARUSA shall be entitled to a seat in the Assembly. Each elected lay delegate and each clerical delegate shall have voice and vote at the Assembly. Proxies shall not be used to vote at meetings of the Assembly.

Section 3. Meetings

There shall be a meeting of the Inaugural General Assembly, and afterwards there may be special meetings of the General Assembly, as provided by this charter. For such special meetings, lay delegates who served during the Inaugural General Assembly shall serve for any special meeting held prior to the next Assembly, unless other delegates are chosen in the interim by the affiliated church.

Special meetings may be called by the Mission Council, or by 25% of the lay and/or clerical delegates of the Inaugural General Assembly. No less than fifteen days prior to any special meeting, the Registrar must notify all PEARUSA clergy and churches by mail, email, or other electronic publication, regarding the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting. No other business shall be transacted than that stated in the notice of the
special meeting, unless a majority of the voting members present at the special meeting authorize the transaction of such other business.

Section 4. Quorum for the transaction of business at the Inaugural General Assembly

One half of the elected lay delegates and one half of the clerical delegates shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the Inaugural General Assembly, or subsequent special meetings, but a smaller number constituting a majority of those present may adjourn any such meeting.

Section 5. Presiding Officer of the Inaugural General Assembly

The Presider pro tempore shall preside at all meetings of the Inaugural General Assembly. At his discretion, he may assign a presiding officer to serve during all or a portion of the remainder of the Assembly.

Section 6. Voting

The Inaugural General Assembly shall deliberate and vote as one body and a majority of those voting, all together or by orders, shall be necessary for a decision, except as otherwise provided in this charter. There may be a vote by orders if requested by five delegates to the Assembly in which case a majority of those voting in each order shall be necessary for a decision. Voting by orders shall consist of two bodies, the laity and the clergy, the latter being comprised of deacons, presbyters and bishops.

Section 7. Lay Representation

a. No fewer than thirty days prior to the beginning of the Inaugural General Assembly, the Steering Team shall appoint a Registrar for the Assembly. The Registrar shall compile and maintain a list of the College of Laity, i.e. all duly elected lay delegates of Affiliated Churches of PEARUSA.

The list shall contain the physical addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers and church membership of the lay delegates and shall be made available to PEARUSA churches at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the Assembly. Any lay delegate whose name is not on the list and who wishes to vote at the Assembly shall bring the omission to the attention of the Registrar. Members of the clergy ordained in the Anglican Communion may not serve as lay delegates.

b. Each Affiliated Church shall be entitled to one voting lay delegate. In addition, each Affiliated Church whose average Sunday attendance (ASA) exceeds 100 shall be entitled to one additional voting lay delegate for each 100 or fraction thereof above the first 100, except that the total number of voting lay delegates from any Church shall not exceed three (3). “ASA” means the Average Sunday Attendance of a Church or Mission of PEARUSA for the previous calendar year, including clergy, members, visitors and children.

c. Each Mission Church shall be permitted to send one lay person to have seat and voice but not vote in the Inaugural General Assembly, nor be counted in the determination of quorum.

d. Lay delegates shall be selected by each Affiliated Church according to the manner specified by the by-laws of that church. In churches whose by-laws do not specify a selection process, the Parish Council shall bear the responsibility for delegate selection.

Each lay delegates must be a baptized Christian believer at least eighteen years of age, of sound mind and character, a member of the Affiliated Church, and familiar with the beliefs and practices of PEARUSA as described in this Charter, particularly in the Fundamental Declarations of Article 1.

e. Each Affiliated Church and Mission Church shall report its selection to the Registrar no later than thirty days before the first day of the Inaugural General Assembly. The official roster of the College of Laity shall be made available to the Assembly on the first day of its meeting and shall be used as the basis for determining quorum.

Section 8. Clerical Representation

a. The Registrar shall prepare a list of the College of Clergy, i.e. all bishops, presbyters and deacons licensed in PEARUSA. The list shall contain the physical addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, and licensed positions of the clergy and shall be made available to PEARUSA churches at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the Inaugural General Assembly. Any member of the clergy eligible to vote whose name is not on the list and wishing to vote at the Assembly may bring the omission to the attention of the Registrar. Members of the clergy ordained in the Anglican Communion may not serve as lay delegates

b. Licensed, active clergy serving in churches and missions within PEARUSA, including all active Missionary Bishops, shall be entitled to seat, voice and vote at the Inaugural General Assembly. Licensed PEARUSA clergy who do not meet these criteria shall have seat and voice at the Inaugural General Assembly, but shall not be entitled to a vote nor be counted in the determination of quorum.

c. The official roster of the College of Clergy shall be made available to the Inaugural General Assembly on the first day of its meeting and shall be used as the basis for determining quorum.

Section 9. Inspectors of Election

Inspectors of election, if appointed by the Registrar, shall consist of two clerical delegates and two lay delegates who shall assist the Registrar to determine the presence of a quorum and hear and resolve any disputes over proper representation in the Assembly.

The Registrar shall preliminarily determine whether a delegate is entitled to be seated, to be heard, or to vote in the Assembly, but the final decision may be made by the Assembly by a majority vote of the delegates present and entitled to vote.

Section 10. Order

a. Prior to the Inaugural General Assembly, the Presider pro tempore may create pre-Assembly committees to prepare materials for consideration in any areas deemed necessary. Where possible, delegates should receive any necessary reports in preparation for the Assembly.

b. The Presider pro tempore shall present Rules of Order for the Inaugural General Assembly at the outset of the meeting. These rules may be suspended by a two-thirds majority of the Assembly.

c. A Secretary of the Assembly shall be appointed to keep the minutes of the meetings of the Assembly and shall submit such reports as the Chairman may request.

d. Anglican worship in the Prayer Book tradition shall begin, end, and punctuate the days during which the Assembly meets.

Section 11. Subsequent General Assemblies

a. Prior to the conclusion of the Inaugural General Assembly, a date for the next General Assembly must be chosen and announced by the Assembly Chairman. The date must not be fewer than nine months nor greater than thirty months following the conclusion of the Assembly.

b. The Inaugural General Assembly shall make provision for subsequent General Assemblies by defining their composition, organization, representation, and order in terms agreeable to this Charter.

Article 7. Ratification and Amendments

Section 1. Ratification

This charter is intended to guide in the organization of PEARUSA; however, it remains provisional until it is ratified by a two-thirds majority in the Inaugural General Assembly.

From the time of its approval by the Provincial House of Bishops until such time as it is ratified in Assembly, this charter may be amended by the Steering Team with the permission of the House of Bishops.

Section 2. Amendment

Following the ratification of this charter by the Inaugural General Assembly, it may be further amended by a two-thirds majority of both clergy and laity in General Assembly.”

The Revised Draft of the Proposed PEARUSA Charter:

“Article 6. Constituting of the Inaugural Sacred Assembly

Section 1. The Inaugural Sacred Assembly

Sacred Assemblies are, among other purposes for assembly, the context for a necessary gathering of the General College of Laity and Clergy for doing any extraordinary business of the Missionary District as established by the Provincial House of Bishops or the College of Bishops of PEARUSA. The purpose of the Inaugural Sacred Assembly shall therefore be to gather the General College of Laity and Clergy to establish the initial governance of PEARUSA under the oversight, prayers, and encouragement of the House of Bishops of Rwanda. The PEARUSA Steering Team shall determine the date, time and place of meetings of this Assembly. No less than sixty days prior to the Assembly, the Steering Team shall give written notice of the date, time and place to all PEARUSA clergy and churches by mail, email, or other electronic publication.

Each affiliated church shall be represented in the General College of Laity and Clergy at the Inaugural Sacred Assembly as directed by this Charter. The General College of Laity and Clergy shall function as a unicameral body of clergy and laity. It shall have authority to adopt a Constitution, Canons and rules of order and discipline, organize PEARUSA into regional networks, approve resolutions and budgets, elect a Mission Council, receive any protocol established between PEARUSA and ACNA, and take any other specific action for the conduct of the affairs of PEARUSA, provided such actions do not conflict with this Charter.

Section 2. Composition

The General College of Laity and Clergy meeting at the Inaugural Sacred Assembly shall be composed of the lay and clerical delegates from the affiliated churches and the PEARUSA Mission Council pro tempore. The lay delegates to the General College of Laity and Clergy shall be composed of representative lay persons from the churches affiliated with PEARUSA thirty days prior to the beginning of the Inaugural Sacred Assembly. The clerical delegates shall be composed of bishops, presbyters, and deacons licensed in PEARUSA thirty days prior to the beginning of the Assembly. No one under ecclesiastical discipline of PEARUSA shall be entitled to a seat in the Assembly. Each elected lay delegate and each clerical delegate shall have voice and vote at the Assembly. Proxies shall not be used to vote at meetings of the Assembly.

Section 3. Quorum for the transaction of business at the Inaugural Sacred Assembly

One half of the elected lay delegates and one half of the clerical delegates shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the Inaugural Sacred Assembly, or subsequent special meetings, but a smaller number constituting a majority of those present may adjourn any such meeting.

Section 4. Presiding Officer of the Inaugural Sacred Assembly
The Presider pro tempore shall preside at all meetings of the Inaugural Sacred Assembly. At his discretion, he may assign a presiding officer to serve during all or a portion of the remainder of the Assembly.

Section 5. Voting

The Inaugural Sacred Assembly shall deliberate and vote as one body and a majority of those voting, all together or by orders, shall be necessary for a decision, except as otherwise provided in this charter. There may be a vote by orders if requested by five delegates to the Assembly in which case a majority of those voting in each order shall be necessary for a decision. Voting by orders shall consist of two bodies, the laity and the clergy, the latter being comprised of deacons, presbyters and bishops.

Section 6. Lay Representation

a. No fewer than thirty days prior to the beginning of the Inaugural Sacred Assembly, the Mission Council pro tempore shall appoint a Registrar for the Assembly. The Registrar shall compile and maintain a list of the College of Laity, i.e. all duly elected lay delegates of Affiliated Churches of PEARUSA. The list shall contain the physical addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers and church membership of the lay delegates and shall be made available to PEARUSA churches at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the Assembly. Any lay delegate whose name is not on the list and who wishes to vote at the Assembly shall bring the omission to the attention of the Registrar. Members of the clergy ordained in the Anglican Communion may not serve as lay delegates.

b. Each Affiliated Church shall be entitled to one voting lay delegate. In addition, each Affiliated Church whose average Sunday attendance (ASA) exceeds 100 shall be entitled to one additional voting lay delegate for each 100 or fraction thereof above the first 100, except that the total number of voting lay delegates from any Church shall not exceed three (3). “ASA” means the Average Sunday Attendance of a Church or Mission of PEARUSA for the previous calendar year, including clergy, members, visitors and children.

c. Each Mission Church shall be permitted to send one lay person to have seat and voice but not vote in the Inaugural Sacred Assembly, nor be counted in the determination of quorum.

d. Lay delegates shall be selected by each Affiliated Church according to the mannerspecified by the by-laws of that church. In churches whose by-laws do not specify aselection process, the Parish Council shall bear the responsibility for delegate selection.

Each lay delegates must be a baptized Christian believer at least eighteen years of age, of sound mind and character, a member of the Affiliated Church, and familiar with the beliefs and practices of PEARUSA as described in this Charter, particularly in the Fundamental Declarations of Article 1.

e. Each Affiliated Church and Mission Church shall report its selection to the Registrar no later than thirty days before the first day of the Inaugural Sacred Assembly. The official roster of the College of Laity shall be made available to the Assembly on the first day of its meeting and shall be used as the basis for determining quorum.

Section 7. Clerical Representation

a. The Registrar shall prepare a list of the College of Clergy, i.e. all bishops, presbyters and deacons licensed in PEARUSA. The list shall contain the physical addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, and licensed positions of the clergy and shall be made available to PEARUSA churches at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the Inaugural Sacred Assembly. Any member of the clergy eligible to vote whose name is not on the list and wishing to vote at the Assembly may bring the omission to the attention of the Registrar. Members of the clergy ordained in the Anglican Communion may not serve as lay delegates.

b. Licensed, active clergy serving in churches and missions within PEARUSA, including all active Missionary Bishops, shall be entitled to seat, voice and vote at the Inaugural Sacred Assembly. Licensed PEARUSA clergy who do not meet these criteria shall have seat and voice at the Inaugural Sacred Assembly, but shall not be entitled to a vote nor be counted in the determination of quorum.

c. The official roster of the College of Clergy shall be made available to the Inaugural Sacred Assembly on the first day of its meeting and shall be used as the basis for determining quorum.

Section 8. Inspectors of Election
Inspectors of election, if appointed by the Registrar, shall consist of two clerical delegates and two lay delegates who shall assist the Registrar to determine the presence of a quorum and hear and resolve any disputes over proper representation in the Assembly.

The Registrar shall preliminarily determine whether a delegate is entitled to be seated, to be heard, or to vote in the Assembly, but the final decision may be made by the Assembly by a majority vote of the delegates present and entitled to vote.

Section 9. Order

a. Prior to the Inaugural Sacred Assembly, the Presider pro tempore may create pre-Assembly committees to prepare materials for consideration in any areas deemed necessary. Where possible, delegates should receive any necessary reports in preparation for the Assembly.

b. The Presider pro tempore shall present Rules of Order for the Inaugural Sacred Assembly at the outset of the meeting. These rules may be suspended by a two-thirds majority of the Assembly.

c. A Secretary of the Assembly shall be appointed to keep the minutes of the meetings of the Assembly and shall submit such reports as the Chairman may request.
d. Anglican worship in the Prayer Book tradition shall begin, end, and punctuate the days during which the Assembly meets.

ARTICLE 7: Annual Sacred Assembly

a. PEARUSA will assemble annually in a Sacred Assembly for the primary purposes of worship, teaching, mutual encouragement, for deepening relationships, and especially for strengthening and expanding mission. In addition, there will be regular provision for reporting from and interaction with the Mission Council by all those present concerning the current state, work, and direction of the Missionary District.

b. From time to and time, there may be a need to conduct extraordinary business that cannot satisfactorily be resolved by the Mission Council. At the discretion of the College of Bishops or the Provincial House of Bishops, an additional session for extraordinary business may be added to the agenda of a Sacred Assembly. Notice of the attachment of a special session must be given no less than three months prior to the established date of the Sacred Assembly, and the agenda for the special session must be supplied in writing to all constituent churches and clergy at the time of the notification.

c. In addition, petition for the addition of such a special session can be made by any PEARUSA bishop representing a majority of the clergy and churches of his regional network, or by two or more PEARUSA bishops, or by declaration of the Provincial Archbishop.

d. Representation in the General College of Laity and Clergy for a called business session, and the manner of the conduct of said business during such a called session, shall follow the exact pattern as described in Article 6.

Article 8. Ratification and Amendments

Section 1. Ratification
This charter is intended to guide in the organization of PEARUSA; however, it remains provisional until it is ratified by a two-thirds majority in the Inaugural General Assembly.

From the time of its approval by the Provincial House of Bishops until such time as it is ratified in Assembly, this charter may be amended by the Steering Team with the permission of the House of Bishops.

Section 2. Amendment
Following the ratification of this charter by the Inaugural General Assembly, it may be further amended by a two-thirds majority of both clergy and laity in General Assembly.

The ACNA-PEARUSA Partnership: Nothing to Celebrate
An Appraisal of the Proposed PEARUSA Charter
An Appraisal of the ACNA-PEARUSA Protocol
Proposed PEARUSA Charter and ACNA-PEARUSA Protocol

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