
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Southern Baptist Leaders Warn: Battle Over Scripture Will Never End

Conservatives in the Southern Baptist Convention fought what is believed to have been a "bloody" battle some 30 years ago when the authority of the Bible was at stake. Though that battle was won, the threat of theological liberalism remains.

"The debate about ... Scripture is never going to be over," said Dr. Paige Patterson, president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a principal figure in the Conservative Resurgence, to hundreds of young Southern Baptists earlier this week.

"The enemy never sleeps and he will make every appeal in very unique ways. He will come at this issue of whether or not the Bible is really believable." Read more
This warning applies to North American Anglicans as well as to Southern Baptists. As panelist, Dr. Danny Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, warned, theological positions always drift to the left. If we're not careful we'll find ourselves in a place we would have never thought we were going to go. There is evidence of liberal theological drift in the Anglican Church in North America. The former Episcopalians who make up the core of the ACNA brought liberal theology into the ACNA with them, and it is flourishing in that church. 

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