
Saturday, June 09, 2012

Women clergy and doctrine dividing ACNA from the Orthodox

Metropolitan Jonah offers terms for reconcilliation to the ACNA

The Metropolitan of the Orthodox Church in America, His Beatitude Jonah has called upon the Anglican Church of North America to ditch women clergy, Calvinism and the filioque in the name of Christian unity.

This is an “opportunity to return your church to its original catholic heritage” Jonah told delegates attending the ACNA’s 2nd Assembly at the Lifeway Conference Center in Ridgecrest, NC on 8 June 2012.

The ACNA can “overcome generations of schism, a schism forced upon the English church” by Rome if it eliminates the filioque from the Nicene Creed, the Orthodox leader said. The Filioque – the phrase “and from the Son” is a clause found in the Western Christian Church but not in the Eastern Churches. Read more
If the ACNA heeds Metropolitan Jonah's call to ditch Calvinism and the filioque, it better drop "Anglican" from its name.  


  1. The Church of England and her daughters was birthed in the Protestant Reformation...what little discernment teh Orthodox bishop has.

  2. The Church of England and her daughters was birthed in the Protestant Reformation...what little discernment teh Orthodox bishop has.
