
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Breaking Free From Abuse: Teach These Five Actions

We need to talk about and preach about abuse, whether it is physical, sexual or emotional. Statistics tell us that abuse is a growing problem in the United States and around the world.

  • Domestic violence is now the leading cause of injury to women in the world.
  • A woman is assaulted or beaten every nine seconds in the United States.
  • For every three women, one has been beaten, coerced into sex or abused in her lifetime.
  • For every five teenage girls, one has been in a relationship where the boyfriend threatened violence or self-harm if she breaks up with him.
  • And, a new University of New Hampshire study of 32 nations reports that women now commit half of all partner violence.

This is a subject we need keep before our congregations. Our members need to know that God does not tolerate abuse and that there is hope and help for those who need to break free from abuse.

Here are five important steps related to abuse that everyone in your congregation should understand – Read more

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