
Tuesday, July 03, 2012

The Death of Elitist Leadership

It is indeed an understatement, but it's true. Leadership is changing. Some point to technological advances as the great equalizer. Others say it is the social media facet of technology that is key. Still others point to the Millennial generation and their changing expectations of leaders and life in general. Some would say that the failure of political and business leaders led to the change.

There is undoubtedly truth in all explanations, and there are probably many more explanations to the changing role of and demands on leaders. The overall thrust of the changes is that elitist leadership is dead; at the very least it is dying. The demand for greater transparency, honesty, and just plain decent behavior has never been higher.

Elitist leaders will not survive this new era. And though this new open leadership model has its challenges, the move away from elitist leadership is a positive development for our organizations and society. Look at some of the implications. Read more

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