
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Delayed Obedience is Disobedience

Over a period of months in 2005, God led me to realize that it was time to transition out of my role as pastor. The final confirmation came while I was preaching the last message in a series on Disciplemaking in December. The theme of the message was on obedience.I remember talking about how God called Abraham to leave the land in which he was living to go to a land which God would show him. And Abraham obeyed God.And I had this sense that I wasn’t preaching to others any more – that God was using my mouth to preach to my heart. It’s kind of a weird thing when this happens.

If you’ve ever experienced it, you know what I’m talking about. God had my attention.Then I went to the New Testament where Jesus called Peter and Andrew and James and John to follow Him. And the text says in Matthew 4, “they immediately left their nets and followed Him.” And I started talking about how delayed obedience is disobedience.

When I’d tell my kids to do something, I expected them to obey. And when God tells us to do something, He expects us to obey. And I knew that God was telling me it was time to leave Lake Hills Church. Read more

1 comment:

  1. This is simply Charismatic/Anabaptist theology. God does not speak to us directly except through the Bible. Any decision we make is based on our own reasons and choices, not God's "special" leading. Of course, even our choices are ordained of the Lord--even when we make the wrong choices. Methinks this fellow just didn't want to be a pastor anymore. Even that is ordained of God. (Proverbs 21:1).
