
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Gallup: American Confidence in Religion at All-Time Low

The Gallup Poll released data this week showing that Americans currently have the lowest confidence in organized religion than at any other time, with Protestants proving the most trusting group while distrust among Catholics is attributed to child sex abuse scandals.

In response to a question about their confidence in religion, statistics showed that only 44 percent of respondents had a great deal or a lot of confidence in religion. This number is lower than the 48 percent scored in 2011, and lower than the previous all-time low of 45 percent reported in 2002.

Protestants remained the most trusting group in America, with 56 percent of respondents claiming that they have a great deal or a lot of confidence in the church/organized religion. Catholics, which make up the second-largest Christian denomination in America, dropped to 46 percent. While Gallup was unable to analyze the other groups of respondents separately, it concluded that Americans that do not identify as Protestants or Catholics on average have 29 percent less faith in organized religion. Read more

1 comment:

  1. As a member of the reactionary fringe, i am glad we have finally purged the secularists, agents of Rome, and other subversives. Too bad they already succeeded.
