
Friday, July 13, 2012

General Convention 2012 Wrap-Up

Convention wrap-up: Re-envisioning church for the 21st century

General Convention has called on the Episcopal Church to re-imagine its structure, taken historic steps towards full inclusion, endorsed positive investment in the Palestinian Territories, and reaffirmed its commitment to building Anglican Communion relationships while saying it is unable to adopt the Anglican Covenant. Read more

Episcopalians Call for Repeal of DOMA; Approve Rites for Pet Funerals

The Episcopal Church's 77th General Convention concluded Thursday with the adoption of a long list of resolutions, from one that calls on the U.S. Congress to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act to another providing rites for pet funerals. Read more

Episcopal Church embraces gay marriage

The U.S. Episcopal Church has become the largest American denomination to put its stamp of approval on same-sex unions, as delegates at its triennial convention adopted a provisional liturgy for such occasions.Read more

Albany Deputation Statement on the 77th General Convention

A statement released by the bishops and deputation of the Diocese of Albany on the 77th General Convention. Read more

Central Florida Deputation Statement on the 77th General Convention

A statement from the Deputation of the Diocese of Central Florida on the 77th General Convention. Read more

Indianapolis Statement given to the House of Deputies

The Indianapolis Statement dissenting from the authorization of gay blessings has been delivered to the House of Deputies of the 77th General Convention meeting in Indianapolis. Read more

Episcopal Church agnostic on the resurrection of animals

The doctrine that all dogs go to heaven has been placed in limbo by the 77th General Convention. On 11 July 2012 the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church adopted a revised version of Resolution A054 “Authorize Rites and Prayers for the Care of Beloved Animals.” Read more

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