
Monday, July 16, 2012

In the Midst of Change Anglicans Celebrate Their History

Common Prayer Day event initiated on 350th anniversary of classical Anglican Prayer Book

The year 2012 marks the 350th Anniversary of the classical Anglican Book of Common Prayer. This year also marks the beginning of a new tradition in the Anglican Communion, as individuals around the world will come together in their home parishes on Friday, August 24th to all worship with the same service of Evening Prayer using the historic 1662 Book of Common Prayer.

Until recently, the 1662 Prayer Book provided a single shape to the worship of Anglicans wherever they were around the globe. This setting aside of the 24th of August annually as Common Prayer Day, as a global day for Anglicans to experience anew their heritage of shared international prayer, presents modern day Anglicans with an opportunity to focus on building a future around what they share together rather than what divides them.

The Anglican Communion is a global family of churches with 77 million members. The Church of England is the original body out of which all others grew. The Episcopal Church, based in New York, is the official American branch. In recent years, controversies like the blessing of same-sex partnerships have strained relationships within the Anglican Communion. This August 24th, on Common Prayer Day, Anglicans around the world will stop and take the time to celebrate what they still share in common.

The Secker Society - dedicated to the preservation of the historic standards of the Church of England in North America
The Book of Common Prayer - the complete services of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer online
This media release was sent to me by email.


  1. There is no common thread that particularly unites all those who call themselves Anglicans. So many have done away with the Book of Common Prayer except in the name only. They have done away with the 39 Articles of Faith. They have done away with the Authorized Bible (KJV). They have adopted anglo-catholicixm. They have become charismatics. They have rid themselves of Anglican and by the way Biblical order. The Law is no longer the teacher of righteousness. For many have united themselves with the carnal nature of the world and eschewed the spiritual nature. I would say few would have any interest, especially in the USA, in August 24th.

  2. Joe,

    I posted the media release for those might wish to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the classical Anglican Prayer Book with a service of Evensong from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer on August 24th. A number of English churches and cathedrals have been celebrating the anniversary of the publication of the 1662 Prayer Book with services of Evensong from that book.

  3. Robin,

    BTW, we use the 1662 BCP every Sunday morning.
