
Friday, July 27, 2012

Is your church website mobile-friendly?

iPhones, Galaxy S3's - Australians love their smartphones!

A simple definition of a smartphone is a phone (or tablet) that enables you to connect to the internet. And in Australia, lots of people have smartphones. In fact, according to an article I read recently in AdNews*, "Australians are online, mobile and are world leaders in terms of use and consumption."

Jason Pellegrino is Google's head of mobile ads, and he shared some other compelling statistics

  • 60% of Australians have a smartphone.
  • Every month, 1-2% of the Australian population gets its first smartphone.
  • Two thirds of Australian smartphone users will connect to the internet every day.
  • In-store, 25% of people change their mind [about a purchase] because they used a smartphone.
  • Australians are 10% more likely (than people in the UK) to do a local search on their phone, and then take action on that search.

The implication for churches? We need to ensure our websites can be viewed adequately on a smartphone. It's not enough to assume that everyone is using a laptop or desktop computer - more and more people want to view information on their phones. Read more

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