
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jesus Was Not Born Again in Hell

This one here is a doozy. Did you know that there have been religious teachers in the "Word Faith" movement over the years who have taught that Jesus was born again in hell? Seriously. Talk about a blasphemous doctrine. Anyone who teaches this heresy is presenting a different "Jesus" in their "ministry" than the Jesus of the Bible. God does not need to be born again. He is God....without sin....and without the need for the new birth.

Since the early centuries of Christianity, believers have taught that Jesus "descended into hell" between his death on the cross and His resurrection. The passages used to support this teaching are primarily Ephesians 4:8-10 and 1 Peter 3:18-20. It is certainly not heresy to teach that Jesus descended into hell. It is a traditional biblical teaching and it is even part of the Apostles' Creed. Based on 1 Peter 3:19, the teaching is that Jesus went there to proclaim His victory over sin, death, and Satan.

Descending into hell to proclaim His victory is a far cry from being born again in hell. What would possess a person to teach such a horrendous thing? For one thing, Word Faith teachers tend to only emphasize the humanity of Jesus and what they perceive to be the "god-like" qualities of believers. It is a grossly distorted view of both God and man. It leads them to promote the lie that God is pleased when a teacher spends millions of dollars on his own personal pleasures. The Bible does not endorse greed or luxurious living for Christians....and yet all of it gets promoted by these false teachers at the expense of the "faithful." Read more

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